More than 10 years of
experience & history
How we started
the Costa Rican
We researched
unknown paths
Zegreenlab was founded by the Javogue family in 2012, marking the first time in modern history that a Costa Rican company is interested in using industrial hemp. Our mission is to create a new generation of sustainable products and habitable environments that positively impact our consumers’ lives and the Costa Rican community. Today we offer an outstanding business portfolio across the consumer, construction, communication, and fashion industries.
Since our foundation, we have always focused on developing unique brands and teams. Our latest endeavor spotlighted opening the first hemp-based fashion and accessory brand in Costa Rica, The Void Hemp Concept Store.
Learn our company’s role in the Costa Rican hemp industry, our present offer, and our future vision of sustainable development.
Press Releases & Publications
A New Dawn: The First Legal Hemp Cultivation in Costa Rica
Taboga and Zegreenlab companies have presented the progress of the first legal hemp project in Costa Rica.
Media Publications
GNC revolutionizes and becomes a CBD Destination
[…] Within the national brands we handle Osmosis, in its two lines, Blue Zone and High Forest”, said the General Manager of GNC-Costa Rica, Fernando Montoya.
Hemp: A cascade of opportunities
[…] Auto parts, paper and clothing are just some of the multiple uses that hemp already has worldwide and that in Costa Rica could be the seed of a thriving industry after the approval of the law that allows its cultivation.
From foods, cosmetics and supplements with cannabis
Cannabis in Costa Rica
[…] It is the “first store specialized in sustainable fashion with textiles made from hemp fibers”, as the company ZegreenLab shared in a press release.
Marijuana derivative is booming in the country
[…] Others who ventured into this business are Emmanuel Javogue and Andrés Calvo, who have been working with the cannabis industry for eight years and are already going to export their products to the United States. Their oil is called Osmosis CBD and they highlight that it is the first legal brand in Central America with the support of analyzes from laboratories authorized by the Ministry of Health. Their investment reached $1 million.
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Hemp is good for everything and it is friendly to the environment
[…] In fact, the company, owned by Ashley Javogue, built two houses in Guanacaste with much of the hemp imported from the Netherlands.
Ministry of Agriculture will carry out tests with hemp in Guápiles and Cañas
[…] In addition, it can be used in other industrial processes. The company Zegreenlab, for example, uses a solution of lime and hemp as an alternative construction material. They have even made hemp houses in Guanacaste.
Tamarindo creators will set up an art exhibition
[…] Together with TAF, this exhibition has the support of the Tamarindo Chamber of Commerce and Tourism (CCTT), the Costa Rican Chamber of Restaurants, the Hotel Cala Luna Luxury Boutique, the Academy of Sustainable Gastronomy “La Raíz”, ZegreenLab, the High Commissioner of the United Nations for Refugees […].
Made using hemp, a house in Guanacaste proves that cannabis is much more than marijuana
[…] Ashley Javogue’s company finished its most recent construction just at the end of April, in the vicinity of Playa Avellanas, Guanacaste. It is a house with a large terrace, swimming pool and living room, but its greatest peculiarity is that it is made of cannabis.
Medical marijuana proposal in Costa Rica gets Health Ministry review
[…] A medical marijuana conference, CannaCosta 2015, is set to take place in San José on June 6-7, on the heels of the Health Ministry’s opinion. The conference claimed to be the first of its kind in Central America to bring together doctors, scientists, business leaders and politicians to discuss the legal medical and industrial use of marijuana and hemp.
Costa Rica paves the way to legalize medical marijuana
[…] With the support of the Ministry of Culture and Youth, last weekend CANNACOSTA 2015 was held at CENAC, the first international conference in Central America on medicinal cannabis and industrial hemp.
Conference on medical cannabis takes place this weekend
[…] Exhibitors have highlighted the scientific research of the plant, doctors who prescribe cannabis as a treatment, addiction experts and politicians from different countries.
Cannabis is medicine, experts at first regional conference on medicinal marijuana agree
[…] “Our objective is to educate each other so that the discussion that the country is having right now will be raised to a technical and scientific level rather than a speculative one,” said Diego Arias, spokesperson for Zegreenlab S.A.
Experts insist on medicinal use of marijuana
[…] In a speech this Saturday at CannaCosta 2015, the first Central American conference on this subject, Petro pointed out that since 1980 he has been conducting studies on the clinical properties of marijuana, some of them for the DEA
(Administration for Drug Control) and the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), of the United States.
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Conference begins to promote medicinal use of cannabis in Costa Rica
[…] “The objective is to inform decision-makers and society in general about the use of medical cannabis. For this we brought the main scientists and experts who support this initiative and who know of effective practices,” he told Acan-Efe. spokesperson for the activity Diego Arias.
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Zegreenlab consultant, Diego Arias "Costa Rica is ready to take the step to medicinal cannabis"
[…] Auto parts, paper and clothing are just some of the multiple uses that hemp already has worldwide and that in Costa Rica could be the seed of a thriving industry after the approval of the law that allows its cultivation.
Medical marijuana, millionaire business
[…] Costa Rican-German investor Fabio Pacheco Kitzing and Frenchman Emmanuel Javogue, president of Zegreenlab, are among the first entrepreneurs interested in investing in the production of medical cannabis.
Cáñamo Una cascada de oportunidades 7 Días Teletica Corte de Reportaje
Desde 2014 nos hemos dedicado a desarrollar alternativas sostenibles entorno al cáñamo para la vida cotidiana en el campo de la construcción, la salud y la comunicación. Los invitamos a conocer un poco más sobre nuestro trabajo en la industria del cáñamo de Costa Rica de la mano de un excelente reportaje de @teletica7. 🌱
Giros: desde comidas, cosméticos y suplementos con cannabis
El presidente de Zegreenlab, Emmanuel Javogue visita Giros para presentar todas las posibilidades de lo que puede ser creado a partir de las diferentes partes de las plantas de Cannabis/Cáñamo.
Osmosis CBD en Noticias Repretel Estelar Programa del 04 de Octubre del 2021
"Ladrillos de cáñamo, el hermano verde del rey del andamio", Entrevista con Zegreenlab
Si estás buscando materiales sostenibles para embellecer tu hogar, la construcción con fibras vegetales es la opción más avanzada en Costa Rica. Esta mañana hablamos con el programa matutino Giros sobre las ventajas de construir con cáñamo para el mejoramiento de los espacios y además, reducir la huella de carbono. Contáctanos para más detalles.
Así se estudia el cáñamo para la construcción en el Tecnológico de Costa Rica
En un evento histórico, el Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica incluyó oficialmente el estudio sobre la construcción con cáñamo y otros nuevos métodos ecológicos para el desarrollo de la construcción en el país.
Nuestros proyectos 2020: Zegreenlab Construction
Zegreenlab Construction ha apoyado apasionadamente el uso del cáñamo y otras fibras vegetales desde el 2014. Creemos en un nuevo paradigma de construcción diferente al tradicional para contribuir de esta manera con el plan de descarbonización de Costa Rica para el 2050.
Así se construye la primera casa con cáñamo en Costa Rica.
Steve Allin: Hemp Building Costa Rica
Hemp expert Steve Allin of Building with Hemp explains about the benefits of this plant. Recently, he participated as a consultant in the building process of the first hemp house in Costa Rica.
Resumen CannaCosta 2015
CannaCosta 2015 fue todo un éxito y queremos agradecer a todos los asistentes y expositores que fueron parte de este gran evento internacional.
Consultor de Zegreenlab, Diego Arias “Costa Rica está lista para dar el paso al cannabis medicinal”
En Costa Rica la legalización del cannabis medicinal se encuentra en discusión pública, por lo que CB24 Noticias entrevistó al consultor de comunicación de Zegreenlab, Diego Arias Asch, que aboga por la legalización de la marihuana medicinal, ya que asegura que esta es bastante beneficiosa para personas que sufren de dolores crónicos.
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