An international company
–based in Costa Rica
Zegreenlab is a pioneering company in the study, research, and creation of hemp-based products in Costa Rica and Central America. The renowned work of our passionate team has highlighted our company as the leading innovator in the development of alternatives for the botanical, pharmaceutical, and ecological building industries.
Our mission
Across all the collaborating teams and brands, Zegreenlab is committed with the permanent mission of delivering unique product lines, services, and nature-inspired vital environments to its customers, partners, and associated collaborators. With the highest quality and cutting-edge technology.

Our values
Zegreenlab represents a consortium dedicated to the research and development of solutions for today’s human being. Each project has been inspired by the heart of the Costa Rican and tropical biodiversity; the complex natural interactions that occur between the plant and animal species, a balanced ecosystem that everyone calls home. We work in harmony with values to grow into a 21st century company.